Welcome To 7th Grade Language Arts

7th Grade Language Arts

Welcome to Ms. Nelson's Language Arts. We will have a fun, exciting, and, yes, educational 7th grade year! Take a look around this page and start creating your own profile. Then, post here about what you did this summer for fun and any reading or writing you may have done.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Punished for Being Good? - Chapter 20

Good actions don't always appear to be good. What do you think Mr. Dobbins thought of Tom? Do you think he'd be surprised to learn how "noble" Tom had acted? Why? Think of a time when you've done something that you thought was helping out another person, but you got in trouble for it or a time when you've done something you thought was good, but you still got in trouble? Tell about your situation and how it is similar or different to Tom's in Chapter 20.

Aunt Polly and Tom - Chapter 19

What do you think made Tom tell lies and hurt hurt his aunt's feelings? Do you think that Aunt Polly is the right person to raise Tom? Why or why not?

Revenge - Chapter 18

Who's getting revenge on who in this chapter? Is Becky trying to revenge on Tom, or is Tom trying to get revenge on Becky? Use specific examples from the book to support your answer. Then, write whether or not either of them was in the right. Would you have acted the same as either Tom or Becky? Has a similar situation like this happened to you or someone you know? How is your situation similar to Tom and Becky's?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Grading Blogs

First, go to the website Blogging Quality Rank to rank the quality of blogs in order. Once you click on the link, you need to click on "student log in." Your teacher ID is "teriuwlax;" your student ID is the first three of your first name and the first three of your last name, and your password is, as always, "afmsafms." Once you are logged in, put the qualities of a blog in order, save your order, and click on the middle icon to compare your answers with others.

Once you have saved and compared your answers, write a short paragraph on how you believe blogs should be graded in the comment area for this blog entry.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 17 - Funeral

How do you think the townspeople felt about the boys before they thought the boys were dead? Did their minds change? Why or why not? Use evidence from the book to explain your answers.